Director's KYC

KYC simply means “Know Your Customers”. From the Companies perspective, Director’s KYC is the process of identification and verification of directors contact details on regular interval of time. This KYC enables the MCA portal to maintain the updated data of contact details of directors. Contact details of directors include their Email id and Mobile Number.

about Director's KYC

The companies act 2013 requires every individual who holds the DIN i.e Director’s identification number to confirm their appropriateness by doing KYC procedure on MCA portal. This process confirms the existence of director and their validity as a director. The term KYC generally refers to Know Your Customers. By this process the MCA checks the truthfulness of directors regarding their identity, residence and contact details.

Who is required to do KYC?

Every Director who has been allotted DIN on or before the end of the financial year, and whose DIN status is ‘Approved’, would be mandatorily required to file form DIR-3 KYC before 30th September of the immediately next financial year.

After expiry of the respective due dates, system will mark all non-compliant DINs against which DIR-3 KYC form has not been filed as ‘Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’.

what if I do not do KYC?

If a director fails to carry out the directors KYC then in that case the director’s DIN will be marked as “Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR -3 KYC.” On marking like this, a director will not be allowed to file any forms on MCA portal. A director will not be allowed to certify any forms on behalf of his company. Later he may be declared as disqualified also.

documents list

  • Details of Nationality and Citizenship details like gender, and date of birth.
  • Permanent Account Number (PAN)
  • Voters Identity card
  • Passport (mandatory if a foreign national is holding a DIN)
  • Driving License
  • Aadhaar card
  • Personal Mobile Number (For OTP)
  • Personal Email Address (For OTP)
  • Residential address.
  • Digital signature of Individual filing the form

Attestation of the documents mentioned above from Practicing Professionals such as CA, CS, or Cost Accountants. In the case of Foreign Nationals, documents need to be attested by the prescribed authority


To carry out the director’s KYC, one must follow the following easy steps.
  1. Download the E form DIR-3 KYC from if you are performing KYC for the very first time after getting DIN.
  2. Fill the form with required data such as DIN, PAN, Name, Nationality, Address, Separate Mobile Number, Separate Email Id
  3. Verify Email id and Mobile number through OTP
  4. Attach necessary documents
  5. Digitally sign the form and upload the same.

AND, If you have already performed KYC through filing of above form then for subsequent years, you simply need to carry out “WEB BASED DIRECTOR’S KYC“. In this way of performing KYC, one only need to enter OTP on MCA portal where OPT verification will be checked. A successful verification of OTP will lead to generate the challan cum receipt which confirms the KYC completion.

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Who can file e-Form DIR-3 KYC?
Any DIN holder who is filing his KYC details for the first time with MCA, must file all KYC details only through eForm DIR-3 KYC. There is no option for such a person to access the web-service for his KYC. Further, any DIN holder who wants to update any information of his KYC details must update the same through filing of eForm DIR-3 KYC only. Please note that no update in details can be made by accessing the web-service for DIR-3 KYC.
Which details are required to be filled in the form?
Name (as per PAN database), Father’s Name (as per PAN database), “Date of Birth (DoB)” (as per PAN database), PAN Number (mandatory for citizens of India), Personal Mobile number, and Personal Email Address and Permanent/ Present address. Further, Aadhaar is mandatory, if it is assigned. If not, then Voter ID or Passport or Driving License shall be attached. Accordingly, copy of any one of the above selected information is to be attached.
Who are the signatories in DIR-3 KYC form?
The DIN holder and a professional (CA/CS/CMA) certifying the form are the two signatories in form DIR-3 KYC. Please note that in case of Citizens of India, the PAN mentioned in the DSC is verified with the PAN mentioned in the form. In case of foreign nationals, the name in the DSC affixed should match with the name entered in the form. DSCs affixed on the form should be duly registered on the MCA portal.
My DIN status is ‘Deactivated’. Can I file form DIR-3 KYC?
Form DIR-3 KYC can be filed for status ‘Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’ on payment of fee as above.
OTP not received on email. Why is it so?
You may check the Spam folder in your mailbox for the OTP received.
Who can file KYC through DIR-3 KYC web-service?
Any DIN holder who has already submitted e-Form DIR-3 KYC in any of the previous financial years and who does not require update in any of his KYC details as submitted, may perform his annual KYC by accessing DIR-3 KYC web service. No fee is payable up to the due date of each financial year. After the due date, a fee of Rs.5000 shall be payable.
Is it mandatory to enter a unique mobile number and email ID in form DIR-3 KYC?
Yes. It is mandatory to enter your personal mobile number and personal email ID in the form DIR-3 KYC and the same has to be verified by an OTP process. Further, the mobile number and email ID must be unique such that it is not already linked with some other person in the DIN holders’ database.
I am a disqualified director, am I required to file form DIR-3 KYC?
Yes. Any person who has been allotted DIN and where the status of such DIN is ‘Approved’, is required to file form DIR-3 KYC. Hence, disqualified directors are also required to file form DIR-3 KYC.
Whether multiple filing of form DIR-3 KYC is allowed?
System will not allow multiple filing of form DIR-3 KYC for an applicant. In case KYC is already filed for a DIN, and such DIN is entered again, system throws an error that the form is already filed.