Form CHG-1
Every company is required to intimate ROC whenever the company creates charge on its properties for getting funds from public financial institutions/banks. This intimation needs to be provided to ROC through filing of FORM CHG-1. This form is called “REGISTRATION OF CHARGES”.
Meaning of charge
CHG is basically an abbreviation of charge. A company may get the funds form banks or public financial institution by mortgaging certain assets of company. In such situation, a company must file form CHG-1 to intimate the ROC about such charges created on companies assets by filing form CHG-1. A company must execute mortgage deed while mortgaging property with bank.
What is CHG-1 form
details are required to file this form
-Nature, description and brief particulars of the instruments creating or modifying the charge
-Details of whether the charge created in India or outside
-Type of charge
-Details of charge holders such as Category, Name, Address, Email ID and PAN
-Amount secured by the charge as per the instrument of charge
-Detailed particulars of the principal terms and conditions and extent and operation of the charge
-Rate of interest
-Repayment term in moths
-Terms of repayment
-Nature of facility
-Date of disbursement
-Extent and operation of the charge
-Particulars of the property charged
-Mortgage deed as an attachment to the form or any Instruments of creation or modification of charges such as Sanction letter or Loan agreement
When to file this form
What is the government fees to file chg-1
The fee details for intimating the Creation or Modification of Charge by the company to the Registrar is based on the share capital of company. The fee rates are provided as per the companies (Registration of offices and Fees) Rules, 2014.