File Return of Deposit Form DPT-3
Every Company being it private limited or public limited are required to file Return of deposit in form DPT-03 once in every financial year. Get our experts advice to file your DPT-03.
about File Return of Deposit Form DPT-3
What is form DPT-3
DPT 3 is a return of deposits that companies must file to furnish information about deposits and/or outstanding receipt of loan or money other than deposits. This return requires details as mentioned below:
- The Amount of Money received from State government, Central government or Local authority as grant or as subsidy.
- Money received as secured or unsecured loans from banks or public financial institutions.
- Money received as loan from directors or their relatives.
- Money received as advances from its customers.
- Money received as loan from its share holders.
- Money received as deposits.
- Money received from companies employees.
who needs to file this form?
Every company other than Government company shall File Return of Deposit Form DPT-3 on or before 30th June Every year. For Example for F.Y. 2022-23 DPT-03 is required to be filed on or before 30th of June-2023.
who is not required to file this form?
Every company except a government company must file this return. Additionally, as per Rule 1(3) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules 2014, the following companies are also exempt:
Banking companyNon-Banking Financial Company
A housing finance company registered with National Housing Bank
Any other company as notified under proviso to subsection (1) to section 73 of the Act
Late Feed or Penalties of non filing of from DPT-03
If the company does not comply with the requirements of DPT-3 and keeps accepting deposits then it will lead to the following consequences;
1) Under Section 73: A penalty of minimum 1 crore or twice the amount of deposits whichever is lower, which may extend to Rs. 10 crore
and For every officer who is in default imprisonment up to 7 years and with a fine not less than Rs. 25 lakhs which may extend to Rs. 2 crores.
2) Under Rule 21: On the company and every officer in default a fine which may extend up to Rs. 5,000, and where the contravention is a continuing one, a fine of Rs. 500 for every day since the default.

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If Nominal Share Capital is
- Less than 1,00,000- Rupees 200 per document
- between 1,00,000 to 4,99,999- Rupees 300 per document
- between 5,00,000 to 24,99,999 Rupees- 400 per document
- between 25,00,000 to 99,99,999 Rupees- 500 per document
- And 1,00,00,000 or more- Rupees 600 per document
- Auditors certificate
- Copy of Trust deed
- Deposit Insurance contract, wherever applicable and mentioned in the form
- Copy of instrument creating the charge
- List of depositors – List of deposits matured and cheque issued but not yet cleared to be shown separately
- Details of liquid assets
- Optional attachment (if any)