Trademark Search Online in Surat, Gujarat

Know the availability of your trademark before filing an online trademark application 

What is trademark search?

A trademark public search is to be carried out in the Indian Trademark database. The trademark search determines whether a proposed trademark is available for use in connection with certain goods or services. Trademark search is a thoughtful process of determining whether the particular word, tagline, logo or whatever, is registerable or not. The registerability of particular trademark highly depends on the distinctiveness of trademark. The more unique the trademark, the more chances it carries of successful registration.

Pro tip: It is always advisable to take a thorough trademark search before filing trademark application. Trademark search must be carried out by a professional trademark attorney/agent.

Trademark Classes

Trademark classification is popularly known as classification of services and goods. There are several categories of trademark and they are classified into several classes. There are different classes for services and products. There are total 45 classes under trademarks act, out of which 34 classes classifies the goods and 11 classes classifies the services. Each and every goods or services have been allotted a particular class. One must find a suitable class for his/her product or services. helps you find the most suitable class for your product or services.

Why we should conduct trademark search before filing an application

This is potentially the most important stage before filing TM application because once you filed for registration of your new mark, it may be refused altogether if the same or similar trademark exist in the same line of business. This evidently poses a significant waste of time and resources for your business.

Thus it becomes the most important task to be conducted professionally before filing a trademark application.

Get your trademark availability report from our expert

Trademark availability report is an expert opinion whether the particular trademark is available for filing or not. In simple terms, we can say that this reports provides a clear cut idea whether you can apply for your trademark registration or not. This report shows the probability of getting trademark registered.

One must keep in mind that this report is an opinion of an expert about the availability of your trademark and it does not guarantees the register ability of trademark.

Let our expert get the trademark search report for your trademark

You are just one step away from getting your TRADEMARK AVAILABILITY REPORT (FREE OF COST).

  1. Let us know about your trademark word/logo.
  2. Tell us the detailed services that you are providing/goods you are selling with the use of the trademark.
  3. And that’s it… we will send you detailed search report which we call “TRADEMARK AVAILABILITY REPORT” to you that too FREE OF COST
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What is TM search?
Trademark search is a thorough process which check that there is no similar tardemark exist. You can not apply for the same if similar or identical trademark exist.
What is TM class?
All the services and goods are grouped in to the definite number of classes under trademarks act. Trademark class is a classification of all the goods and services. One need to first identify the class in which his goods/ services falls and shall apply in that class.
How many classes are there in trademark?
There are 45 classes under trademark. Out of which 34 classes are for classification of goods and rest 11 classes are for classification for services.
Is it mandatory to take trademark search?
It is always advisable to trademark search before filing an application in order to save your self from waste of money and time.
Can I file TM application in multiple classes?
YES, Single application for multiple classes can be filed.
Government fees is same for each TM class?
YES, trademark application fee is same for each class.
Is classification same for every country?
YES, classification of trademark classes is usually same in every country.
Why it is important to take expert opinion on trademark availability?
Its much significant to have an expert opinion on the availability of your trademark. You may miss some of the most important points while taking trademark search on your own, that’s why its paramount to consult an expert for checking the registerability of trademark. An Expert conducts 360 degrees search for your trademark considering every permutation-combination.