Company Closure
Strike Off means removing the name of the Company from the Register of Companies maintained by Registrar of Companies (RoC). It is more like a Closure of the Company and the Company will not be in existence after being Struck Off and cannot perform any operation thereafter.
- Strike off by ROC under Section 248(1) of the Companies Act 2013
- Strike off by Company by its own under Section 248(2) of the Companies Act 2013
1) A company has failed to commence its business within one year of incorporation;
2) The company is not carrying out any business or Activity for preceding 2 financial years and has not sought the status of Dormant Company under Section 455 of the Act.
Holding of Board Meeting: The Company will hold Board Meeting for passing a Board resolution for the purpose of Striking off the name of the Company and to authorize any director of the Company to apply to Registrar of Companies.
Extinguishment of all the Liabilities: After passing of Board resolution if there are any liabilities then the Company will extinguish all the liabilities before the next step.
Holding of General Meeting: The Company will hold the general meeting of shareholders by passing a resolution for striking off the name of the Company with the approval of 75% of members as per paid up share capital of the Company and after passing of Special resolution Company will file E-form MGT-14 within 30 day.
Approval of Concern Authorities: In case if any other authority regulates the company, then the approval of such authority shall also be required.
Application to ROC by Company: Application in Form STK- 2 to be filed by the Company along with following documents:
- Indemnity Bond duly notarized by every director in Form STK 3,
- A statement of accounts containing assets and liabilities of the company made up for a day, not more than 30 days before the date of application and certified by a Chartered Accountant,
- An affidavit in Form STK 4 by every director of the company,
- CTC of Special Resolution duly signed by each Director,
- In the case of a Company regulated by any other authority, approval of such authority shall also be required
- A statement with respect to any pending litigations, involving the Company.
1) After receiving an application, ROC shall publish a public notice STK-6. 2) Any objection on proposed strike off shall be sent within 30 days.
3) The notice shall be placed on the website of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, published in the Official Gazette and published in a leading English newspaper and at least in one vernacular newspaper where the registered office of the company is situated.
4) ROC shall simultaneously intimate the concerned regulatory authorities regulating the company, i.e. the Income-tax authorities, central excise authorities and service-tax authorities having jurisdiction over the company, about the proposed action of removal or striking off the names of such companies and seek objections if any.
5) After complying all the process, ROC shall strike off the name and dissolve the company by sending notice in the official gazette in form STK-7.
6) On the publication in the Official Gazette of this notice, the Company shall stand dissolved in effect from the date mentioned therein. The same shall also be placed on the official website of the MCA.